Two Year Old Program | Super stars | Teacher-to-student ratio 1:6

 The Super Stars class consists of 2 to 3-year-old children with a maximum of 12 children per day with two teachers. The Super Stars room is a happy, busy, creative classroom, filled with open-ended, developmentally appropriate activities, from the home living center to blocks and outdoor play.  There is, at any given time, singing, dancing, exploration and experimentation.  Activities are a balance of child-directed and teacher-directed.  The children are free to choose preferred activities, with adult interaction to extend or enhance their play. Our teachers are warm, nurturing, interactive, playful, and engaging.  They ask open-ended questions to engage, and enhance the child’s learning.  The Super Stars learn pre-reading skills. The book center is an important quiet area for children to choose, as well as having books read to them daily, in circle time and as a free choice.  They read books with no words and make up stories, with few words, and develop an appreciation for when to read words loud or soft.  Other pre-reading skills are encouraged by looking at pictures, signs and print around the room.   They also are learning pre-math skills by learning about shapes, counting and comparing/contrasting.  The Super Stars focus on social skills, like sharing, asking for a turn, and using please and thank you.  The Super Stars are encouraged to share their experiences, and ideas for learning are taken from these experiences.  The Super Stars enjoy nature walks.  Sometimes they have a listening walk, or collect items from nature.  Overall, the goal of the Super Stars class is for the children to be happy, and learn through the joy of play.